Client Whisperer | Account-Based Everything
Passionate about helping others
If you’re looking to transform Marketing from order taker to revenue contributor, I can help. But first, let’s get to know each other a bit better…
I'm obsessed with art, all kinds of art. My favorite, however, are oil paintings, thick layers of paint on small to large canvases taller than me. My home can be mistaken for an art gallery with every inch of my walls covered with all kinds of creative works. I've discovered another artistic passion, creative writing. Over the last 9 years, I've been writing a fiction trilogy--quite ambitious for someone who has never written a book before. But hey, go big or go home, right?

On the business front, I've applied my appreciation for creativity and human connections to how I approach marketing. Over 20 years, I've been at the table with founders, executive management, and the c-suite at startups, mid-size companies, and enterprise organizations, both private and public. I’ve had a diverse array of roles – as both a consultant and employee - from building Marketing departments from scratch to operationalizing existing Marketing teams to leading special strategic initiatives such as Account-based Marketing, executive-to-executive programs, and customer insight and engagement.
I was raised in a family of passionate and successful entrepreneurs, so it's in my blood and a big part of how I define my professional success. Two noteworthy entrepreneurial adventures include co-founding a marketing and design firm and going off solo to form a marketing strategy consulting business. I've always believed in being well-rounded and pushing the envelope to better my abilities. Living both worlds, as an entrepreneur and employee, has allowed me to approach business with a unique perspective.
I've come to realize that I don't work with companies, I work with people. I approach each interaction with empathetic understanding, an open mind, a listening-first attitude, and a genuine interest in knowing people as human beings, not just titles. We’re all trying to succeed at our jobs and contribute to the well-being of our organizations. Working together as one team and appreciating one another’s individual strengths and perspectives is the best way to get there.
My LinkedIn profile provides a high-level flyover of my experiences. Feel free to send a connection invite. Building our networks to help each other improve our skills and expand our knowledge is one way we, together, can better our world.
I look forward to getting to know you and understanding what you’re striving to accomplish and how I may be able to help you achieve further success.